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CRUD base

base is a module with generic base classes for views.


Abstract base of all views in that library.

Static attributes:

  • MODEL: pw.Model - Peewee model for a view
  • _RESPONSE_MODEL: Optional[pd.BaseModel] - Pydantic model for a response
  • URL: str - Endpoint URL
  • METHOD: str - Endpoint method
  • STATUS_CODE: int - Default 200. Status code for a successful response


  • __call__ - abstract method, must be implemented. Main place to put execution logic for a view
  • _get_query - Default: all model instances ( Method to retrieve query. Useful to filter available objects.
  • @property response_model - Property to retrieve Pydantic model for a response.
  • _get_api_route_params - Method to retrieve FastAPI route params.
  • add_to_app(app: Union[FastAPI, APIRouter]) - Method to add endpoint to application.
  • make_model_view(model: pw.Model) - Class method to create new view for a model without explicitly defining a class.


Abstract base for "read" action views. Inherits FastAPIView.


  • @property response_model - If _RESPONSE_MODEL is not specified will make a PwPdModel for a specified MODEL.
  • _get_instance(pk: Any) - Method to retrieve instance from query by it's primary key.


Abstract base for "write" action views. Inherits BaseReadFastAPIView.

Static attributes:

  • _SERIALIZER: Optional[pd.BaseModel] - Pydantic model for a request body serialization.


  • _obj_data - Instance of pydantic model (from serializer property) with data from request body.


  • @property serializer - If _SERIALIZER is not specified will make a PwPdWriteModel for a specified MODEL.
  • create - Method for create action. Will create an instance of MODEL in database with data from _obj_data attribute.
  • update(pk: Any, partial: bool = False) - Method for update action. Will create an update values of MODEL in database by it's primary key with data from _obj_data attribute. If partial is True will only use fields that were specified in the request.
  • _get_api_route_params - Extends default parameters with dependency to set _obj_data attribute.


Abstract base for "delete" action views. Inherits BaseReadFastAPIView.

Static attributes:

  • STATUS_CODE = 204 - STATUS_CODE set to 204 No Content. Since by default no content will be returned in response.


  • @property response_model - Returns None, since no content in response will be returned.
  • __calll__(pk: Any) - Calls delete mothod.
  • delete(pk: Any) - Deletes a MODEL instance by it's primary key. Utilizes _get_instance from BaseReadFastAPIView to retrieve an instance.
  • _get_api_route_params - Removes response_model from default parameters. And sets response_class to starlette.responses.Response for empty response.